Docker Installed: Ensure you have Docker installed on your machine. If not, you can download it from Docker's official website.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Run the Docker Command:
This command will:
docker run starts a new Docker container.
--rm ensures the container is removed after it stops.
-ti allocates a pseudo-TTY and keeps the container interactive. specifies the Docker image to use.
node-subspace --chain main --sync warp runs the Subspace node with the specified options.
Verify the Node is Running:
You should see output in the terminal indicating the node is starting. If there are any errors, make sure Docker is correctly installed and try running the command again.
Git Installed: You'll need Git to clone the repository. Download it from Git's official website.
Rust Installed: The Rust programming language is required for building the source code. Install it from Rust's official website.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Clone the Repository:
Open a terminal and run:
This command will clone the Subspace repository to your local machine.
Navigate to the Project Directory:
Change to the cloned directory:
Install Rust (if not already installed):
Run the following command to install Rust:
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. You may need to restart your terminal or run source $HOME/.cargo/env to update your environment.
Compile the Latest Release:
Ensure you're in the subspace directory, then run:
This command will compile the Subspace node. It may take some time, depending on your computer's performance.
Start the Node:
Once the compilation is complete, start the node with:
You should see output indicating the node is starting. If there are any errors, ensure Rust and its dependencies are correctly installed and try running the command again.